Today I discovered Michele Martin's Bamboo Project and am hooked! What an "Ah HA!" moment in my personal and professional life! When I read her posting about Becoming a More Reflective Individual Practitioner, I recognized that this is another important strategy that anyone in the helping professions like Social Work can employ to stay healthy. Preventing or mitigating the problem of burn out and compassion fatigue in social work is a huge professional challenge and becoming a "Reflective Practitioner" is a valuable practice to maintain professional mental health. Michele credits an article What is Reflective Practice? (pdf) by Joy Amulya of the Center for Reflective Community Practice at MIT for the main principles in her posting and was extremely helpful for me as I think about what I hope this blog is all about and my ongoing quest to be a compassionate and effective social work educator.
Check out Michele's blog and let me know how you have been inspired to be a reflective practitioner!
P.S. I copied this cool t-shirt image from Michele's website http://michelemartin.typepad.com/thebambooprojectblog/tools_and_resource/index.html
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