I first discovered Delicous back in January 2009 and have since saved 119 web sites there. Reflecting on what they say about what is important to me is interesting and speaks to my curiosity and love for learning. Like the books I treasure and the time I love spending with the daily newspaper, the wisdom and creativitiy that is shared on the internet feeds me in a different way that has come to be an important part of my daily routine. I appreciate everyone who takes time from the busy world to share their thoughts and ideas with the world (and me). So here just a few web sites I have book marked with the number of times each has been book marked in parenthesis:
Image by ashley rose, via Flickr
- Social Work Blogs (5)
- Life in the Second Half
- Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus (0)
- Educational Origami (1,037)
- Almanac of Policy Issues: Social Welfare (10)
- The White House Blog (415)
- Twitter Reading List (263)
- Information for Practice (4)
- National Association of Social Workers (113)
- 26 Charities and Non-Profits on Twitter (257)
- The Innovation Diaries - The Hierarcy of Tweets - Analysing the Psychology of Twitter (233)
- 100 Awesome Blogs by the World's Smartest People (303)
"This Memorial Day I would like to share with you a personal project of mine that uses Google Earth to honor the more than 5,700 American and Coalition servicemen and women that have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have created a map for Google Earth that will connect you with each of their stories—you can see photos, learn about how they died, visit memorial websites with comments fr
Image by foxypar4 via Flickr
These and other web sites have infuenced and contribute to my ongoing life-long learning process. I love to learn! Where do you spend time in the webosphere?
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